
A Higher Level of Consciousness & Science? Its coming!

Open your mind, get out of your confined programmed mental box & understand that anything is possible. Especially the views of those whom discuss things of this magnitude. Who are we to think that what Teal discusses here could not be true? Its like she states, the people of this generation are waking up & its time to evolve into better/more enlightened human beings. I totally believe in the fact that people are waking up spiritually & with an open understanding of higher thinking is the key to our positive existence. For those of you who have doubts about this... ask this question & think for a moment. How have humans been doing with taking care of our world & all things within it? Enjoy this brief insight.
Teals concepts and views are very interesting. Her insight makes alot of sense too. Especially once you allow yourself to hear what she is saying here. I agree with what she says here about Science catching up & becoming multi dimensional. All things evolve in their own time. Its only inevitable.  As science continues to look through the scope of possibilities and then prove they exist, they will expand into a new horizon of multi science that will catapult us even further into knowledge with wisdom & of higher consciousness. They will merge to become one. Altho' it may take some time to reach this plateau. I believe it will happen. It makes me think of cultures of people like the Annunaki & others. They were considered highly intelligent and yet its not really clear as to where they went or how they dissappeared. And when you think about what Annuaki means: "those who from the heavens came" it leaves much room to ponder.


We All Have Good and Evil Wolves Within Us.

One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’

This is such a lovely story: so simple and yet so true. I think each and every one of us has these two wolves running around inside us. The Evil wolf or the Good Wolf is fed daily by the choices we make with our thoughts. What you think about and dwell upon will in a sense appear in your life and influence your behavior.

We have a choice, feed the Good Wolf and it will show up in our character, habits and behavior positively. Or feed the Evil Wolf and our whole world will turn negative: like poison, this will slowly eat away at our soul.

The crucial question is “Which wolf are you feeding today”?

Except taken from website:



Praising Our Children - Too Much Is Not Healthy

  Praise is key to positive development of self-esteem in children.            

But don't overdo it! That will give them the wrong messeage and they will not learn the proper value of their efforts.


Positive Affirmations

I really enjoy using positive affirmations. This one is very inspiring. I believe they truly do help us change for the better. If you think about something long enough and repeat those thoughts over and over again. Those thoughts will become behavior. Be them negative or positive. If you think about it, it takes awhile to get into a bad habit and when we are not living in positive light things never seem to work out for us. But when we learn to become open to change, embracing life and acceptance we begin to use positives from every angle. And you do change. Its amazing when we look back at how we were when we were not living in the light. We chose to stay in the dark and convinced ourselves that that was all there was to our existence. But soon, when we've lost it all and there's no where to go but up, we begin to see the light of change. We begin to move towards it & we find ourselves all over again. Except this tme.. we are golden.

Dean Leysen Tells Us About 'How We Get Addicted."

The views of Dean Leysen are energetic, funny and of a positive nature. In this video he expresses his views about How Addiction Works. His brief comical attributes add to this light hearted informative message. He also explains why we get addicted in the first place. He talks fast but you can still gain the message he telling us about.. Enjoy! (Don't forget to leave your comments below.) 
Science has found that the brain is highly susceptible to addiction. Because neurotransmitters like to make our bodies feel good. The brain becomes addicted to releasing these "feel-good" chemicals, like dopamine and epinephrine. Since a lot of drugs release these "feel-good" chemicals in our brains it does cause the brain to want more and more of it. We become emotionally addicted, then the body follows. Its all a part of how we get addicted to things. What we have to remember is IF we can get addicted to things we can also become UNaddicted to things. There is always help and hope. You just have to reach out and get help. 


Welcome To Our New Page - Glad You're Here!

If there is one thing to be learned on this precarious journey we call life it would be that its ever changing and unpredictable. If we try to control everything that occurs in our lives we will find disappointment. For us to feel good everyday about the events that occur in our daily lives, its better to embrace all things. We do our best to achieve our goals, we work hard to become successful at whatever path we're on. Learn to embrace everything that occurs and roll with the results of your efforts. Understand and except the fact that things will not always stay the same or turn out the way we'd like them to. The beauty of that is we can always change.   

Making All The Difference

What you think will create your life.

Today lets see ourselves in our best light. Do not let worry or uncertainty control how you feel about yourself or your life. Trust yourself, respect yourself and love yourself everyday. All of us have worth and value as a human being.  No matter what walk of life you're in. Positive thinking results in positive results.