Open your mind, get out of your confined programmed mental box & understand that anything is possible. Especially the views of those whom discuss things of this magnitude. Who are we to think that what Teal discusses here could not be true? Its like she states, the people of this generation are waking up & its time to evolve into better/more enlightened human beings. I totally believe in the fact that people are waking up spiritually & with an open understanding of higher thinking is the key to our positive existence. For those of you who have doubts about this... ask this question & think for a moment. How have humans been doing with taking care of our world & all things within it? Enjoy this brief insight.
Teals concepts and views are very interesting. Her insight makes alot of sense too. Especially once you allow yourself to hear what she is saying here. I agree with what she says here about Science catching up & becoming multi dimensional. All things evolve in their own time. Its only inevitable. As science continues to look through the scope of possibilities and then prove they exist, they will expand into a new horizon of multi science that will catapult us even further into knowledge with wisdom & of higher consciousness. They will merge to become one. Altho' it may take some time to reach this plateau. I believe it will happen. It makes me think of cultures of people like the Annunaki & others. They were considered highly intelligent and yet its not really clear as to where they went or how they dissappeared. And when you think about what Annuaki means: "those who from the heavens came" it leaves much room to ponder.
Altho' this recording refers to 2012, at one point, what Teal disusses here is meant for our time as to changing our humans level of consciousness, waking up. It actually can & does relate to the time then & now as far as what humans are evolving to. Very insightful!